- The Formula of Concord in Light of Arminianism by Rev. Timothy R. Schmeling
- The Christology of the Seven Ecumenical Councils by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
- The Descent into Hell by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
- Psalm 34:15-22: Is This Messanic? by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
- Who Do You Say I Am? by Rev. Dr. Michael K. Smith
- Inspired Paradigm for Presenting Election: Romans 8 & 9 by Rev. John A. Moldstad
- The Doctrine of Church Fellowship by Rev. Theodore Aaberg
- The Theology of Church Fellowship by Rev. Gaylin Schmeling
- Current Crisis in American Lutheranism by Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Petersen
- Gospel Reductionism by Rev. Juul Madson
- Properly Dividing the Word of Truth by Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Petersen
- The Birth that Gave Rebirth to the Doctrine of Justification by Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Petersen
Lord’s Supper
- Is Grape Juice Permissible for Sacramental Purposes? by Rev. Adolph M. Harstad
- The Lord’s Supper–the Feast of Salvation by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
- The Lord’s Supper in Augustine and Chemnitz by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
- The Saliger Controversy by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
- The Scriptural Basis of the Lord’s Supper by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
Means of Grace
- The Means of Grace: God’s Gift to You by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
- History of the ELFK Including its Ministry Discussion by Rev. Gaylin R. Schmeling
- The Parsonage by Rev. Justin Petersen
- The Proper Handling of a Call by Rev. John A. Moldstad
- Public Ministry: ELS Perspective by Rev. John A. Moldstad
- Justification Through Faith Produces Sanctification by Rev. Adolph L. Harstad
Two Kingdoms (Church and State)
- Depoliticizing the Two Kingdoms Doctrine by Rev. Erling T. Teigen
Universal Priesthood
- Universal Priesthood: An Exegesis of 1 Peter 2:1-10 by Rev. Dr. Michael K. Smith